mighty is the pen

Lately, I've been trying to sketch. Even though I'm a student of architecture and spent five years hand drafting (yup, no computers or autocad), I've never gotten into the swing of sketching. Acks! I hope to get better and really keep it up. Now that I work, my attempts to sketch have been meager. Sooooooooo... I'm going to post some little ones that I've done, to keep myself accountable.

* If you would like to purchase the eiffel tower, notre dame or paris sketch, they are available here in a variety of sizes and media.


at the oakland port 25sketch021.jpg


a process sketch of one of the spaces of my thesis for architecture school 25sketch041.jpg

rome 25sketch051.jpg

riomaggiori 25sketch061.jpg

notre dame 25sketch071.jpg

paris 25sketch081.jpg

eiffel tower 25sketch091.jpg

la defense, paris 25sketch101.jpg

oh how I love to sketch in pen....