When I was in New York, I saw the cutest European families traveling around. Makes me want my own little vacationing family-minus the children- to travel with. I hope I have a hubby who will travel with me.
BTW.. did I tell you I'm going on the Raddest Photo Trip Ever with Bobby and Lindsay Earle? I hope my future love buddy and I are like them. They're super cute and adventurous.
So far.. this has been my unemployment extravaganza 2008-2009 - September in Hawaii - November in Shanghai & Beijing - March in Australia and New Zealand - April in Las Vegas and Utah - July in Arizona, New Mexico and Texas - September in New York & Texas - October in Seattle and New York - November in DC? - December in Thailand and Cambodia!
woot! Where is my man in shining travel gear?
image from my visit to Munich, Germany... originally posted here.