I spy...

When I edit for Junshien.... I'm basically staring at strangers for hours on end. Imagine my job. It takes me anywhere between 15-25 hours to cull and edit each wedding. I wasn't at the wedding, nor have I ever met the bride or groom.  So basically I'm spending those 15-25 hours figuring out the wedding(love) story of complete strangers.  I like to play a little game where I guess who are the families or what the stories are of that crazy uncle or that cute little old grandma. But every now and then, I spy someone I know!

Today, that person happens to be Mr. Antho Lum! I can't post pictures from the wedding that I'm editing now (even though I have a great shot of him holding one of the bridesmaid's bouquets)... but I'll post this one from Angelique's wedding instead.  He's the one in the bottom left.


original image from here

p.s. I just spotted another guy who was at Dan & Katy's wedding. I forget his name... but I know he was there.. that guy from San Diego who worked at Genetech! hahah.