RPTE 39: Dr. Jones!

Raddest Photo Trip Ever Day 14: Cambodia

We ended this day in Cambodia with a visit to the temple used in "Tom Raider" and "Indian Jones".  The approach to this temple was nothing but amazing.  It was right before the sun was about to set, so the lighting was magical.  I walked through the temple, appreciating every nook and cranny... trees growing everywhere.  I loved this temple.

*Click on the images below for a larger view!

Love backlight and lens flare

The tomb raider and indiana jones temple!

I absolutely trees.  This temple was an amazing experience because the trees were growing with the ruins.

I love this picture.

This root was huge!

Tree + ruins = architecture I love

The trees in Cambodia are gorgeous

There were ornate carvings everywhere.

Nick and Andrea were matching.  Cute.

To see other pictures from other photographers on this trip check these out..... Bobby Earle // Richelle Dante // Erika Lindroth Amy Martin // Katie Lewis