New York | Where are you headed?
It's a new year and still plenty to ruminate about. It's only 17 days into the new year, and I'm happy to report it's been a good 17 days. I wrapped up 11 wonderful days in New York with a posse of wonderful friends and a handful of lovely photography-related meetups. I came home on a very pleasant flight where I met a nice lady. Then went home to a nap followed by a yummy dinner prepared by my sister and brother-in-law. With my sisters, parents and the in-law we sat around the table chatting for hours. Nowadays I love being at home nearly as much as I love traveling. When I'm in California I find myself wanting to stay home with my family and being a vegetable. I rounded off the homecoming week with lots of work, new clients, meetings and plenty of quality time with giggling.
And, hey! Did I mention I've already finished three books this year. I'm really stoked. I'm curious how many books I can read this month (and this year). It will be exciting. So I followed up my homecoming fun with dinner and a movie with one of my favorite friends. I'm sitting here feeling like every day really has been the best day, but wondering where will this year lead me?
Where am I headed? After filing my estimated taxes today, I realized I doubled my income in 2011 from 2010, but I also increased my expenses by about 50%. So as I look to the future, I wonder where my hope is? What am I depending on? I am a super control freak. I am a firm believer in "If you want something done right, do it yourself." I am a borderline perfectionist and can be extremely hard on myself. (I know. I know. I hide it so well with my wonderfully easy going demeanor. haha) But I want to start off 2012 like I lived 2011. Focused on God, focused on me and focused on those in my life that I love. Seems kind of funny to put myself before those I love, huh? I realized that the more I work on improving myself the better friend, daughter, sister and lady friend I can be to others. Took some trial and error for me to realize, but I am such a better person than when I started 2011 and that's because I wanted to take care in myself emotionally and spiritually.
I think this year is going to be great. I turned 28 in a couple of months, and for once I'm very excited. I asked for a bicycle with a basket. (crossing my fingers!) And hopefully I'll get that pedometer that's been on my wishlist for the past three years. :) Actually, I already think I'm 28; when people ask my age I say 28 because I forgot I'm still 27. Exciting. I have a good feeling about this year.
So where are you headed in 2012?