
I realize I'm going on a trip to New York tomorrow.  I keep forgetting.  That probably explains why, the night before I flight out, I still haven't packed.  But packing is simple and quick for me.  Although, it's proving difficult for my mind to think of clothes to where in New York when it's in the 80s here in the Bay Area. (Yes. Be jealous. I even got tan over the weekend.) What's one of the more difficult aspects of packing for me is choosing which books I want to bring with me and dwindling them down.  Packing books for New York is the hardest for me.  I read more in New York than I do anywhere else.  I can finish 3 or 4 books during a trip.  But even though I do finish a lot of books, I also buy a lot of books in New York for some reason.  Maybe it's because I spend too much time at McNally Jackson.  Anyway I love going through all my books and deciding what I want to read.  Sometimes if I'm lucky I finish a book before I even land in New York.

*Above are the books I brought to Ireland/London.  What are you reading these days?