a new year. a new beginning.

1404 the Birminghands

Happy New Year!  Whoa it's been a crazy couple of weeks.  I got married. Went on a honeymoon. Packed up my life (in a single day). And moved to Alabama from California!

Today my computer arrived from California.  The UHaul crate with all my stuff won't be here for another couple of weeks, but I feel like I can finally settle in now that my big computer is here and I can start working. We mailed my computer so it'd arrive sooner.  Super yay to FedEx for sending my computer safely in five days (for $68 no less). woot.

So in honor of this new beginning and the fact that my beloved computer made it safely here, a delayed post about my New Year's Resolutions. (Because I'll use any excuse to make a list.)

1. To read everyday. I won't put a lot of pressure on myself to designate an amount of reading, but I do want to read everyday. This doesn't include online article reading or my devotions, though.  Real, happy by-myself-for-pleasure-reading.

2. To explore. I'm in a new place.  Whoa. It's kind of crazy. I've never lived on my own. Maybe a little bit if you count college.  But I'm excited to take advantage of this new change and make Birmingham my home.

3. To hustle. Living in a new place with a husband creates plenty of challenges I never imagined as a single person. I know that between my schedule & Lance's and all the traveling we'll have to do (check out 2015… that's not even all of it!), I'll have to really work on getting work done in timely manner as I won't have a lot of time to be in work-mode (editing alone in a room for days upon end. oh single life.)

4. To be open.  I want to be open to new experiences, to new people and to new ideas. I don't want to succumb to the fear of change, which I am often susceptible to. I want to be willing to change my way of doing things and be more mutable in my lifestyle.

5. To wake up early. So far I've been waking up early everyday.  You'd think that moving from the PST to CST would make me sleep in, but I've been waking up early every day since arriving here.  Nearly every morning I wake up when Lance goes to work.  I start my days early cleaning up the day before and tackling my daily task list.  It's been wonderful waking up early, so I hope to keep this up as long as I can.



 My nightstand in our new home.  January 7, 2015 | Fuji x100s

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