

It's a dreary, but beautiful day in Birmingham. Being that it's December and I haven't blogged in literally months it's pretty good time to update. Without further ado, I am currently...

realizing I haven't seen people in months. Last night some of my friends saw me with short hair for the first time. Since I cut my hair a couple months back (30 inches gone!) I suppose I've coincidentally/accidentally have been in hiding ever since. yikes. So here's an announcement for all of my friends I haven't seen in ages. My long hair is gone and my short hair is here to stay. I'm already wishing it was even shorter!

working like a crazy person. Somehow I've managed to speed up my workflow and now can now edit some weddings while watching one Harry Potter movie (approximately two and a half hours).  With my improved workflow I've been able to work a lot more in a shorter amount of time. But there's been so much work because of wedding season that I've still been holed up, thus the reason why I've been so anti-social as of late.

watching a lot of Harry Potter. And I mean A LOT. Lance bought me the entire collection of Harry Potter movies for Valentine's Day, and a couple months back I converted the DVDs to digital files so I could watch them on my iPad while I worked. Since then I've basically watched the entire series literally countless times. That's all I watch when I edit now. 

planning a lot of travel. I've got some surprises up my sleeve, and with a brand-new LARGE suitcase, I'm raring to go! 

reading very little. This year I've not read nearly as much as I normally do, but I have been reading books that I loved. I just finished Modern Lovers by Emma Straub and Today Will Be Different by Maria Semple, which I thoroughly enjoyed, and am now reading The Underground Railroad by Colson Whitehead, which recently won the National Book Award. 

wishing the fall would stay. Here in the bhams we had a late fall, but it's been so beautiful. California has nothing on the fall here. The colors are so vibrant and lush; it just makes you want to bundle up and drink hot chocolate. 

resting since I finished almost all of my Christmas shopping before Thanksgiving. Lance and I won't be seeing my family for Christmas, so I bought all their Christmas (and some of their birthday) presents in November. When we went to California for Thanksgiving we brought about 35 pounds of presents to California, where I wrapped the presents and got them ready for the holidays. It was a lot of work, but now I can rest easy. 

sleeping at regular times. Before Thanksgiving I was going to bed at around 7am and waking up at around 1pm. I was in an awful sleeping funk. After visiting California and coming home, the jet lag really kicked me in the butt, so now I'm waking up at 8am and going to bed at 11pm. I love it!!

cooking. For anyone who knows me, they know I don't like cooking. So I'm surprising myself with how much I've been cooking recently. I'm taking advantage of our crockpot and scouring pinterest for recipes for yummy soups and chilis. I'm somewhat getting the knack for adjusting the recipes for my and Lance's tastebuds. Also, I realize I've been incorrectly spelling chili "chilli". whoops. 

avoiding changing my name. I know I've got to do it, but I honestly forgot it until now, which I must do it before the end of the year. This is the week I'll be doing it. woot. Finally. 

editing the past couple of years of personal photos. Somehow along with blogging I also put taking and editing personal photos on the back burner. I haven't looked through really any of my personal photos since I got married. Now that wedding season and the holidays are winding down, I'm hoping to spend more time sorting through all those images. 

loving blogging. I forgot how much I love to blog. Maybe I'll keep it up this time around!


Desert Botanical Gardens, Phoenix, Arizona. October 26, 2016 | Canon 5d markii 50mm 1.2