thankful thursday 23

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Can you believe it's already February?  Oh how quickly time passes! It's about time I think about the things I can be thankful for.  My life as of late has been especially blessed. These three things have  So without further ado, here are some things I'm thankful for today.

our house. I really cannot express how grateful I am for this house and Lance's promotion.  It came out of nowhere and has surprised us beyond belief.  You just never know what God has in store for you.  Living in a house versus an apartment (in a residence hall) is such a blessing.  We don't have to look for a parking spot anymore; we can park right in our driveway! We don't have to walk to the dumpster to get rid of our trash. We don't have to worry about sharing walls/ceilings with loud neighbors.  We have a back porch! It's nice, quiet, and beautiful.  And I love it.

my health. I can't take health for granted anymore. I'm neither young or in shape, but yet I feel good and am in good health.  I so often forget how blessed I am to just simply be healthy. Many people don't have that luxury. 

a loving husband.  I am so thankful for Lance.  He's always there when I need him and such a great supporter of me, my business and my dreams.  He challenges me so much, and we have so much fun just being together.  I literally could not have imagined a better match for me than him. 

knowing that I am loved. Beyond Lance, my family, and my friends, I am so blessed to know that I am loved by God.  I was made in His image and am precious in His sight. In Him I have an overflowing, endless amount of love. I can depend on Him and know He'll never fail me.  God loves us all, and it breaks my heart that so many people forget this.  In my darkest moments I know that He will always care for me and love me.  I feel so at peace when I remember that. 


Red Mountain Park, Birmingham, AL. October 31, 2015 | Fuji x100s

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