Tartine for two.
Kelly was in town and requested to eat at Tartine. Of course I said yes! Tartine is such a cute, charming cafe with delicious food. Sitting outside, I could smell the cozy aroma of fresh sourdough. I would have bought a loaf or two had I not discovered you have to order days in advance! I filled my belly with a prosciutto and provolone sandwich. Cut in threes, I ate one that day while at lunch and the second and third the next day for breakfast and lunch. It was super delicious. I want to go back! I would say, though, that the sandwich would have been even more delectable with a small bowl of tomato basil or vegetable soup. I had such a hoot chatting over lunch with Kelly. It's funny to me that our friendship started over blogstalking. And now, keeping in touch consists of friendly messages over twitter and instagram. :) Kelly is writing a book, and if it's anything like her blog, I'll likely buy it. I love reading about scrapbooking... even though I'm not much of a scrapbooker. haha. A girl can dream...
To end, I must say I love being around people who carry a camera in their purse and instragram their lives. It makes me feel much less nerdy taking pictures of my food and the random things I see on the street. :)